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November 11th, for some, is just another day. For many others this day serves as a constant remainder of those brave men and women who chose to protect the liberties we hold so dear, with their lives. Our armed forces are the backbone to which, our freedom as Americans is upheld. Veterans of wars foreign and domestic, alive and deceased, have but one, nationally recognized, day a year to be honored and remembered. This seems to be a great oversight, from my point of view.

As, a “web-person”, I found it hard to find the right method or avenue to give back to those who served and are serving now. Through some business affiliations I met a local businessman Dan Cavanaugh (, Dan was always telling me about the oral histories of WWII vets he was doing, and I found it to be very interesting. I got to thinking one day that maybe we could put those stories on line for others to read. I asked Dan if he thought it a good idea and he explained that we could not only share the stories but, every couple of months there was a trip for the vets to go to Washington D.C. to visit the WWII memorial and we could post info for that trip as well. It took some planning and strategizing, but I am fortunate to know MSgt Craig Hodgkins. Craig also has a passion for this subject, Craig is a Gulf War Vet, and actively invested with the Keystone Young Marines.Things were coming together.

After some brainstorming by the trio, we found our name Our WWII Veterans. At that point it was a matter of filling it full of content. We added a Calender to view upcoming trip and events. The is a huge photo gallery, with a section dedicated to WWII Poosters. Last but not least, there are the stories of those who lived and died in WWII. Dan does an excellent job of capturing the raw emotion that comes with this type of “release”. This is going to be good!