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How to Design SEO-Friendly Content for Your Site

The content that is on your website is one of the main factors that drives your SEO. In fact, three out of four businesses believe that content brings them more leads, and better leads. Often, companies that launch a new website are pleased with their new look—a stunning design works wonders to get potential purchasers to stay on your site—but the content must support the site design, the branding, and the marketing that you’re developing to find new customers.

Quality Content Drives SEO and Increases Your Rankings

When Higher Images sits down with a client to discuss a new website, we also talk about content. It’s not necessarily something that clients have put much thought into, and they may say:

  • Our company isn’t about content. We hear this often, and clients may tell us that people are only going on their site to view images, to find their contact information, or to just “look around.” However, you want the people who are looking around to have a good idea of what they are viewing. An educated consumer is one who is much more likely to make informed purchasing decisions, so education on your products or services is important. To make your content “buyer friendly,” you will first need to have quality content written and then ensure that the content is properly optimized.
  • I like the content that’s on our website right now. You may have written your current content, or paid someone to do it for you, and you’d like it transferred to your new site. Unfortunately, Google believes that duplicate content is there to manipulate search rankings, which is a big no-no. You’ll be penalized by Google, and your beautiful new site won’t show up on the first page. Since part of the point of creating content is to make it search-friendly, you only want to show unique content that will increase your rankings.
  • This is a lot of work, and we don’t have a writer on staff. Researching and targeting keywords is time consuming, but it’s an integral part of the process to make your website SEO friendly. If you want people to find you through searches, then you must have quality content. That’s how Google works. Higher Images has experienced writers on staff who work with clients from the beginning of the website development process, to the end when the site is completed and ready to go live.
The Writing Process

Higher Images makes the writing process easy, but clients must be involved so that the content on your site accurately reflects your business and products. First, we’ll discuss your general business, then your goals, followed by your products and what makes you unique in the market. You will tell us who your targeted customers are, if you’d like to expand your service area or customer base, and why someone would want to hire you. The content writer will note all of this and develop content that you love. Once your content is completed, your website development and design can get underway. Soon, you’ll have a new, search-friendly website. Call Higher Images today to learn more about the content writing process.

It’s also important for your content to be optimized for mobile sites,

Home Page

The information needed for a home page includes:

General information about the company. If this info’s already on the client’s current site, let the content writer and know and give them the link. What does the company do? Examples: We are a family-oriented funeral home. We sell southern-influenced food. We rent office trailers to corporations. Who are their usual customers? Would they like to expand their service area or their customer base? If so, to where? What sets the company apart from their competitors? Or: Why would someone want to use this company’s good/services? For instance: using high-quality materials and projects, excellent customer service, multiple locations, their product fills a niche, they target a particular income level, they have a new service, they use cutting-edge technology. Depending on their target market, local and SEO needs, or website requirements, a quick review of their main products/services can be provided on the home page. The location(s) of the client.

The area that the client wants to market to, or where they’d like to draw customers from. For instance, the Mon-Fayette Corridor, the South Hills, Washington County, the Ohio Valley, Pittsburgh, statewide, nationwide, international, etc.

About Us

This page focuses on the company’s story. Questions to ask:

  • When was your company established?
  • Why did you decide to start your company?
  • Has your company’s business evolved or expanded?
  • Is it family-owned or family-run?
  • How many employees do you have?
  • What is your company motto?
  • Why if your staff the best at what they do?
  • What makes your company stand apart from others?

Do you have

Other ways to make the process run smoothly:

If sales or development realizes that a client is uncomfortable with using basecamp, let the content writer know so that they can communicate with the client using email while still providing proper updates on the project in BaseCamp.

New Content

Where is it coming from?

  • The client. If it is coming from the client, will the content require light editing before the site is live? If so, who will edit?
  • Higher Images. Some clients don’t particularly care about their content and want to “leave it to the experts.” Some want to be very involved in the process. Some want lots of content and some want no more than 150 words on the page and want the writing to be concise. You can ask them: Are there any sites you’ve seen that have a particular writing style that you’d prefer? Do you want the writing to be fun, informative, elegant, technical?
  • If an HI content writer is in charge of content, this is a good checklist to use when asking clients about their content. Content writers ask these questions too—but if the client offers information during a meeting, it would be great to make the answers part of the BaseCamp notes. Not only will it decrease the amount of time a content writer would have to pull information from the client, it allows everyone included in the project, from the project manager on down, to see what the client wants.