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PR Launch | PR Launch

Higher Images has recently made an upgrade to its overall distinguished marketing presence. Public Relations has been added to the Higher Images menu. With various packages available, Higher Images is enhancing what it has been doing for the previous 13 years and implementing a more detailed and revamped Public Relations Department.

Since PR is needed in society, every individual, group, and organization should be applying this tool. Credibility and a positive reputation are necessary for successful business, and that is exactly what public relations can provide to anyone correctly utilizing it. So, what is PR? Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) defines PR as “a strategic communication process that builds mutually beneficial relationships between organizations and their publics.”

Building relationships between organizations and their publics forms a trust and loyalty to one another. The organization wants the publics’ business and the publics want the organization’s products and/or services; therefore, a positive relationship between the two is a must have. Spreading the word in various forms about any positives in an organization will maintain current publics and could achieve new publics to form.

Higher Images Public Relations Department is dedicating its time and efforts to writing effective, quarterly press releases, distributing the press releases with several different systems, and making the follow-up calls for story coverage and published materials to selected media sources. However, that isn’t all: the PR Department logs its work into Higher Images Digital HI system! Clients can actually log in and see what is being done and when.

Forming connections and relationships is the main priority of this PR Department. Growing credibility and getting an organization’s name published for the world to see can only help establish and gain business. Let Higher Images Public Relations Department help you and/or your organization spread the word.